Monday, June 21, 2010


From the Greenhouse Literary Agency's facebook page...

News as it happens . . .Congratulations to Elissa Hoole whose YA debut - KISS THE MORNING STAR - has just been sold to Melanie Kroupa at Marshall Cavendish. Look for more info on our website in the next few days - and here's to a great writing future, Elissa!



Shari Green said...

Congratulations!! :D

E. Kristin Anderson said...

OMG OMG OMG OMG! Congratulations, Elissa! YAY!

amy said...

Congratulations! (again)

Jen said...


Sage said...


Molly said...


bethany griffin said...

Congratulations, you deserve this so much, and TDBB (which is what it really is, we all know) is fabulous!

Elissa J. Hoole said...

thanks, everyone! and bethany, I totally still call it TDBB in my head--not even The Dharma Bum Business, but just...TDBB! :D

Kristan said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! This calls for a celebration. I don't drink, but, um, I'll write in your honor tonight?

Elissa J. Hoole said...

kristan, yes, yes, DO! *grin*

Nomes said...


wow. that's truly truly awesome. So pumped for you!

I just clicked on your link in AW - cool blog. I'll have to have a look around :)

xx Naomi (drummergirl)

Oh, and I loved Notes from the teenage underground. Very different to everything beautiful, but still 3D characters and such a crushable voice. Will write on your wall :)

Elissa J. Hoole said...

Thanks, guys!

Naomi, welcome to my blog! It's a bit of a jumble of me, but mostly pics of my kids, lol!

(and simmone, how about that? you just got a pretty sweet review in my comments! :D )

Claire said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!